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Public Hearing on September 21, 2020



Setting a date for a public hearing to consider the imposition of a large capacity well management charge for fiscal year 2020-2021

WHEREAS, Article 9 of the Sierra Valley Groundwater Basin Act (1980 Cal. Stats., Ch. 449, as amended) provides that the Sierra Valley Groundwater Management District may fix a management charge each year for the purposes of paying the costs of initiating, carrying on, and completing any of the powers, projects, and purposes for which the District is organized: and

WHEREAS, the District must now fix a large capacity well management charge for the fiscal year, 2020-2021, on all metered wells that are capable of pumping 100 gpm within the District, with a total charge of $200.00 per well per year, for the purposes of paying the costs of initiating, carrying on, and completing any of the powers, projects, and purposes for which the District is organized: and

WHEREAS, the Sierra Valley Groundwater Basin Act requires the District to give notice and hold a hearing before it fixes a large capacity well management charge


1.  The District give notice and hold a public hearing to consider whether the district should fix a management charge for fiscal year 2020-2021 to pay for the costs of initiating, carrying on and completing all the powers, projects, and purposes of the District.

2.  The hearing will be held on September 21 at 6 p.m. at the Sierra Christian Church in Beckwourth, California.

3.  The Board clerk will cause a legal notice to publish in the Sierra Booster and the Mountain Messenger one time before the hearing.

    The foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Sierra Valley Groundwater Management District, State of California, at a meeting of said Board held on Monday, August 17, 2020.

AYES:  Directors: Grandi, Roberti, Wallace, Goicoechea, Ramelli

NOES     Directors:

ABSENT   Directors: Goss, Roen